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Recurring Events and Meet-ups

1UP Conf+Expo

1UP is a Conference for gaming professionals and a Game Expo for gamers of all ages, 1UP offers something for everyone to enjoy!

Location: Kortrijk Event Type: Conference & Expo Frequency : Yearly (Since 2018)


Gameforce (Website) - Mechelen | Expo | Yearly

FACTS (Website) - Ghent| Expo | Twice per year

Made In Asia (Website) - Brussels | Expo | Twice per year

Brotaru (Website) - Brussels | Show & Tell | Monthly

Unwrap (Website) - Kortrijk | Conference | Yearly

Global Game Jam Antwerp (Website) - Antwerp | GameJam | Yearly

recurring-events.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/23 15:28 by Robby Bisschop