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regional-games-associations [2022/08/18 07:24]
Sebastien leTouze [WALGA]
regional-games-associations [2022/08/18 07:26] (current)
Sebastien leTouze
Line 6: Line 6:
 ==== FLEGA ==== ==== FLEGA ====
- +{{:flega.png?nolink&200 |}} The FLEGA, the official Flemish Games Association, historically the oldest Game Association in Belgium, FLEGA exist since 2010
-{{:flegalogo_pos-rgb-hr-300x114.png?nolink&200 |}} The FLEGA, the official Flemish Games Association, historically the oldest Game Association in Belgium, FLEGA exist since 2010+
 Website: [[|]] Website: [[|]]
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 ==== WALGA ==== ==== WALGA ====
-{{:walga.png?200|}} Wallonia Game Developers Association+{{:walga.png?nolink&200 |}} Wallonia Game Developers Association
 Website: [[|]] Website: [[|]]
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 ==== ==== ==== ====
-{{:flegalogo_pos-rgb-hr-300x114.png?nolink&200 |}} Brussel Region Capital Game Developers Association+{{:gamesbrussels.png?nolink&200 |}} Brussel Region Capital Game Developers Association
 Website: [[|]] Website: [[|]]
regional-games-associations.1660800268.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/18 07:24 by Sebastien leTouze